It can be tempting to sign up for store credit cards, especially when they come
with a discount on your first purchase. But even if you don’t owe much on these card, you may still be paying a high interest rate!
According to a 2021 CreditCards.Com report, the average retail credit card has an APR* of 24.35%. Our Classic Visa credit card has rates as low as 12.00% APR*!
For those who qualify, we also offer our Platinum Visa Card option, with a 12 month introductory rate of 5.90% APR* and then as low as 9.90% APR* thereafter.
Along with these competitively low rates, Bay Atlantic Visa credit cards have no balance transfer fees, no annual fees, and can be added to a digital wallet for extra convenience.
Save yourself time and money by consolidating all your payments into one place!
*APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Platinum visa credit card has introductory APR of 5.90% for 12 months, 9.90% APR thereafter. (Credit Card Disclosure as of 12/01/2012)
Regular qualifications apply. Must meet required criteria to be approved.
Source:, Published 10/12/2021 (