Our 82nd Annual Meeting was held on Wednesday, May 11th. During the meeting, our 2022 College Scholarship recipients were honored and received their awards. Each recipient shared their collegiate plans with the membership. We loved hearing their diverse interests and ambitions!
This year, over $6,000 was awarded to 14 high school seniors who exemplify the credit union philosophy of People Helping People. In addition to merit and honorable mention awards, we also give out three $1,000 scholarships in honor of past members of the Board of Directors: John Lisi, Jim Goldsborough, and Eugene Volpe.
Congratulations to the graduating class of 2022! We're rooting for you all and sending the best wishes for the future!
Scholarship Recipients: John Lisi Memorial Scholarship: Lucas Merighi (pictured with Ellen Lisi)
Jim Goldsborough Scholarship: Samantha Johnson (pictured with Jim Goldsborough)
Eugene Volpe Scholarship: Isabella Torres (pictured with Dave Schaad)
Merit Awards: Hannah Runkle Emily Rose Abdill (absent)
Honorable Mention Awards: Joseph Dorzan Jr. Jaylise Perez Camacho
Eladia Crowell (absent)
Morgan Eschert
Jackson Gatens
Brandon Chase Kiley (absent)
Alizay San Inocencio
Sophia Santos (absent)
Dylan Anthony Salter